
Hello all. In these unprecedented times driving lessons have all been put on hold since the lockdown started on March 23rd. Even though people can drive with passengers, it was deemed unnecessary and not essential to teach. All teaching stopped. It is all down to social distancing and the fact we just cannot social distance whilst teaching. The only pupils we could teach during lockdown were key workers. Key workers are those on the front line, such as NHS staff including care workers. THIS IS STILL THE CASE. We are currently only allowed to teach key workers. The DVSA (Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency) have made this clear throughout the lockdown period, with the odd update on theory and practical tests.

The date in which we think we will be able to restart lessons is Monday, July 6th. This is NOT yet guaranteed. This is a collective decision based on the information given by the Prime Minister last month on the 4 phases of easing the lockdown. Phase 3 is July 4th, so we will start on the following Monday. This will be subject to change if the situation gets worse again and there is a second spike in infection rates. I will continue to keep my website and Handbrake ‘n’ Neutral Facebook page updated with information as soon as I can.

As the time nears I will be in touch with all pupils regarding the restarting of lessons, my diary will be available for pupils to select lesson times, subject to space, plus I will also remind and explain to pupils the potential use of PPE. (Personal Protective Equipment). This includes the use of masks and gloves. I will also explain how I will go about keeping the car clean between lessons.

I would like to thank my current pupils for their understanding in this matter and their understanding of the professional role I have to undertake regarding the responsibility of my pupils health once I restart lessons. Nobody wanted this virus and we are all having to adapt to the situation as in evolves. This could be the way it is for quite a while to come.